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Receiving data on beneficial owners (JANGIS)

1. Data on beneficial owners may be received from JANGIS by:

  • State and municipality institutions and agencies entitled to get all data on beneficial owners and their lists for the purposes of implementing their statutory functions.
  • Legal entities that have provided data on their beneficial owners (are entitled to get all data on their beneficial owners and their lists).
  • Beneficial owners of legal entities and collective investment undertakings – natural persons are entitled to get all data about them if their data was entered into the system.
  • Other natural persons and legal entities who are entitled to get data in cases established by laws.

2. How can data be obtained from JANGIS and in what forms?

Data sets

Using WEB tools (through electronic communications networks) and making search for data when connected to JANGIS

Through web service RC_BROKER

Having connected to the Self Service Portal of the Centre of Registers
(from 1 August 2022)

Extract of the data on beneficial owners of legal entity or collective investment undertaking



PDF, on paper

Extract of the data on beneficial owners of legal entity or collective investment undertaking with history



PDF, on paper

Extract of the data on a person who is a beneficial owner of legal entities and/or collective investment undertakings 



PDF, on paper

Extract of the data on a person who is a beneficial owner of legal entities and/or collective investment undertakings with history



PDF, on paper

Extract of identification data of beneficial owners of legal entity or collective investment undertaking 



PDF, on paper

Copy of the list of beneficial owners of legal entity or collective investment undertaking


Only in PDF format

PDF, on paper

Preview of data on beneficial owners of legal entity or collective investment undertaking in graphical form (from 1 August 2022).

Graphical representation




3. Receiving data from JANGIS under the agreement (for registered users)

If you want to conclude an agreement for the receipt of data from JANGIS:
  1. Complete an application and specify the purpose of data use and legal grounds.
  2. Sign the application with a qualified e-signature or scan it. The application should be signed by the manager of company or the person authorised by him/her.
  3. Send the application to the following e-mail address versloklientai@registrucentras.lt
  4. When we receive your application, we will prepare and send a draft agreement for approval.
Application for the conclusion of the data provision agreement for natural persons (in Lithuanian) PDF DOCX
Application for the conclusion of the data provision agreement for legal entities (in Lithuanian) PDF DOCX
User manual for receiving data from JANGIS for the registered users (in Lithuanian) PDF


4. Receiving data from JANGIS under the application (from 1 August 2022)

Application can be submitted:  
Application form Information will be available soon Information will be available soon
Application form Information will be available soon Information will be available soon

The prepared extracts and document copies from JANGIS:

User manual for preview of the ordered documents Information will be available soon

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