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Property and Encumbrances Legal Entities Adresses Population

Property and Encumbrances

Real Property Register and Cadastre

The Real Property Register and Cadastre contains data of all real property objects registered in Lithuania. Information of the Register and Cadastre includes cadastral data and maps, ownership and its history, property restrictions, etc. Data in the Register and Cadastre is public including cadastral maps and most of the archive documents containing cadastral files and copies of transaction documents. 

Services of individual property valuation and cadastral surveys are also available for individual and corporate clients.

Market research and property valuation unit provides to the clients statistical data on real property market. The database of the unit contains actual data on all real property transactions made since 1998. Under the order of the Government, Market research and property valuation unit also performs yearly mass valuation of all properties in Lithuania. An average market value of land and buildings estimated in the course of mass valuation is used for various State economic needs, including calculation of the property tax, and is publicly available free of charge. 


Register of Contracts and Restrictions of Rights

The start of activity of the Register of Contracts and Restrictions of Rights is 1 January 2022.
The purpose of the Register of Contracts and Restrictions of Rights is to register objects of the Register, collect, accumulate, process, systematize, store and provide Register data and documents to natural persons and legal entities, perform other Register data processing actions.
Objects of the Register of Contracts and Restrictions of Rights include:

  • contractual and forced pledges (except for the pledge of property rights to real property objects registered in the Real Property Register of the Republic of Lithuania);
  • mortgages of ships and aircraft for which mandatory legal registration is established;
  • corporate mortgages;
  • conditional mortgages;
  • installment purchase and sale contracts for non-registrable items;
  • contracts for the purchase and sale of non-registrable items with the right of repurchase;
  • leasing (financial lease) contracts, the subject of which is a non-registrable item;
  • lease or loan for use contracts for non-registrable items.

Register of Property Seizure Acts

The information about property seizure acts is recorded, systemised, stored, used and distributed by the Register of Property Seizure Acts. Courts, judges, bailiffs, prosecutors, officers of the State Tax Inspectorate, the State Social Insurance Fund Board, and other state institutions and officers empowered to seize property on the grounds and according to the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania provide data for the Register of Property Seizure Acts. The Register of Property Seizure Acts is a public register.


Cash Restrictions Information system 

The CRIS is an automatically operating information system, which enables any institution holding the right to forced recovery (hereinafter referred to as the Providers of Orders) to place orders to credit institutions to write off cash and impose restrictions in a uniform approach. The system ensures the sequence of write-offs in accordance with the priority to satisfy the claims and distributes the debtor’s funds proportionally to the institutions holding the right to forced recovery. The system allows controlling the processes related to debtor’s cash restrictions and/or write-offs and ensures effective data exchange among those participating in the cash restrictions process. Institutions holding the right to forced recovery promptly receive information about the execution of their submitted claims.

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