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Power of attorney to sign and submit documents electronically (JADIS)

A legal entity, a branch or representative office of the foreign legal entity or another organization may authorize a representative (natural person) to submit the documents electronically to the Register of Legal Entities and/or to the Information System of Legal Entities Participants (JADIS) and to order the Real Property Register services available through the self-service of the Centre of Registers. An authorized person may submit data if the power of attorney is provided in accordance with the procedure established by the Centre of Registers .

Currently, the power of attorney may be issued with regard to:
Issuing a power of attorney electronically

The power of attorney may be issued electronically through the self-service of the Centre of Registers if:
  1. it is issued by the head of the legal entity (in case of sole representation of the legal entity is established);
  2. the head has got a qualified electronic signature*.
* Currently, you may use the qualified electronic signature if it is issued by:
  • the Certification Centre of the State Enterprise Centre of Registers (more information about the electronic signature issued by the Centre of Registers is available at www.elektroninis.lt);
  • Mobile operators Bitė, Telia, Tele2 and Teledema (mobile signature);
  • The Identity Documents Personalisation Centre under the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, i.e. to use personal identity card, which holds certificates for personal identification in the virtual space and certificates of qualified signature.
Issuing of power of attorney in paper form

The legal entities, whose representation is subject to a rule of quantitative representation or the head does not have a valid qualified electronic signature (e.g. citizens of foreign countries), shall present the power of attorney to the Centre of Registers in paper form.

The power of attorney may be submitted in person or by post to any Branch Office or its local unit of the Centre of Registers. If the rule of quantitative representation applies, the power of attorney should be signed its head or several members of the managing body together.

Forms of documents:
Form of power of attorney in case of sole representation PDF DOC
Form of power of attorney in case of a rule of quantitative representation PDF DOC
Annulment of power of attorney
Legal entity, that has issued a power of attorney, may annul it by submitting the application to annul in paper form or electronically.
Form of application to annul the power of attorney PDF DOC

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