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Home / Legal Entities / JADIS - Information System of Legal Entities Participants

How to get data from the JADIS?

The following may get data from the JADIS:
  1. State authorities and institutions entitled to receive all the data of legal entities participants and their lists for the fulfilment of the functions prescribed by laws and other legal acts;
  2. Legal entities having submitted the data of their participants (have the right to receive all the data of their participants and their lists);
  3. Legal entities participants: natural and legal persons, if their data is entered in the JADIS database (have the right to receive all the data about themselves and the lists of participants of those legal entities to which they are participants);
  4. other natural and legal entities who are entitled to receive data in the cases established by law.

What are the ways to get the JADIS excerpts and the lists of participants?

1. Receipt of data under the agreement (for registered users).

If you are interested in signing an agreement for getting the JADIS data, please contact by e-mail info@registrucentras.lt or by phone +370652688262.
User manual for registered users to get data from the JADIS  PDF

2. Getting of data by filing an application.

Application may be submitted:
Application form PDF DOC

The prepared JADIS excerpts and copies of documents may be:

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