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International Cooperation

International co-operation covers the participation in the events and projects of international associations, organizations and working groups, the collaboration with sister organisations and enterprises, and presentation of the achievements of the Centre of Registers and Lithuania on the international level in the area of real property administration, public registers, address management, property valuation, spatial data management, data security and other areas related to the activities of the Centre of Registers.
International activities enable to evaluate own achievements in a critical way, to get familiar with the recommendations and advice of internationally recognized experts, to follow the global trends and best practices of other countries, as well as to disseminate the experience, innovations and best practice of other countries enabling to improve the operation of the Centre of Registers and professional knowledge of its staff.
Taking part in the activities of international organisations
Participation in the activities of international organizations and international events enables to learn about the international developments and trends, achievements, challenges and innovations. It is an opportunity to present the Centre of Register, its experience and achievements, new products and services, and to discuss how we can work together to improve future activities.

The Centre of Registers takes part in or follows the activities of the following major international organisations:

EUROGEOGRAPHICS  Europe’s National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities
ELRA / ELRN  European Land Registry Association, European Land Registry Network
PCC Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union 
EBRA European Business Registry Association 
IPTI International Property Tax Institute 
IAAO International Association of Assessing Officers
IRRV Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation 
UNECE WPLA Working Party on Land Administration of the Economic Commission for Europe, Committee on Housing and Land Management of the United Nations
FIG International Federation of Surveyors
UN-GGIM:Europe Europe Region of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management

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