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Property and Encumbrances Legal Entities Adresses Population
Home / Legal Entities

E-guide: Starting Business/Organisation

Dear Customer,
In this page we will try to give you as accurate information as possible advising you how to register a new legal entity with the Register of Legal Entities. All you need to do is answer the following questions.

What type of legal entity would you like to register? Please select:

Public limited liability companyPrivate limited liability company
Agricultural companyCooperative company
PartnershipIndividual enterprise
State enterpriseMunicipal enterprise
Budget institutionPublic institution
AssociationCharity and relief foundation
Society of owners of multi-family apartment housesSociety of gardeners
Political partyTraditional religious community
Other religious community, associationTrade union
Permanent arbitration institutionBranch and representative office of legal entities of the Republic of Lithuania
Branch or representative office of a trade union or confederation thereofBranches or representative offices of foreign legal entities
Small partnership

Translation of this web page has been funded by the European Union PHARE Twinning project Strengthening Enterprise Register in compliance with the Acquis. EU is in no way responsible for the content of this web page.
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